Why did Russia colonize Alaska and then get rid of it? (video)

Why did Russia colonize Alaska and then get rid of it? (video)
Source: YT channel Knowledgia

From the desciption of the video on Youtube channel Knowledgia: Back in the 17th century, a Russian explorer by the name of Semyon Dezhnev attempted to discover whether Siberia was connected with or in close proximity to North America. There are conflicting theories of what happened during this expedition, but the Russian government heard nothing of his findings either way. Still hoping to answer the question Dezhnev set out to resolve though, in the early 18th century, Tsar Peter the Great opted to send out another expedition. This time, two men by the names of Vitus Bering and Alexei Chirikov, each set sail for a joint exploration to find the northwestern coast of the North American continent.


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