The humanitarian catastrophe of open borders: Caribbean version

Every month hundreds of people are drowned in the Caribbean trying to reach a promised land which is nothing but “promised” .The survivors find out they are welcome only in poor areas and struggling states but that’s a story you won’t hear from mainstream media.

According to a WaPo report in July 27th, the U.N. Missing Migrants Project estimates about 350 people got lost in Caribbean waters in 2022, nearly twice as many compared to 2021. That’s the highest number since 2014 and is probably an underestimation.

The official policy of the Department of Homeland Security is welcoming. This is justified by invoking the principle of “equity” between Americans and migrants and claiming that Americans “cannot fill the needed jobs in the U.S. economy”. It’s so tiresome hearing and reading the same false argument again and again but that’s the purpose: acceptance via repetition ad nauseam! After all, it’s not slave trade if no whites are involved, right?

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