Oregon Dem House candidate or a Manhattan dominatrix?

“Courtney Casgraux confronts past, seeks Congress, aims to empower despite challenges.”

An Oregon Democratic congressional hopeful, Courtney Casgraux, is confronting a leaked video from her past, where she worked at a Manhattan BDSM dungeon, aiming to “reclaim her sexuality” amidst her candidacy for Oregon’s 1st Congressional District. Before the disclosure of her earlier career as a dominatrix, Casgraux, a 41-year-old self-proclaimed international businesswoman, charged clients approximately $500 per hour.

Speaking to the New York Post, Casgraux described her initial reaction to the video’s release as panic, followed by attempts to identify the source. As a single mother with a teenage son, she felt deeply distressed by the incident. Originally from California, she returned to the BDSM industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, this time at Donatella’s Dungeon in Midtown Manhattan.

Photo Source: nypost.com

Despite being unable to pinpoint the video’s leaker, Casgraux believes it was an attempt to shame her for an aspect of her life that she believes contributed positively to her present opportunities. Expressing discontent with the current Democratic Party leadership, particularly targeting President Biden, she highlighted a perceived lack of strong leadership and compromise within the party.

Frustrated with what she perceives as a double standard in politics regarding sex purchasers versus sex workers, Casgraux, rattled by the incident, is running for a seat held by Democrat Rep. Suzanne Bonamici. Her campaign, focusing on issues like abortion rights and reversing drug decriminalization, remains resolute despite minimal financial support. Casgraux aims not only to secure a congressional seat but also to empower others to overcome the stigma associated with their pasts, aspiring for a society where individuals can run for office without shame.

Additionally, she’s utilizing a Playboy profile to reclaim her narrative, selling provocative images but also utilizing the platform to discuss constitutional law, American agricultural challenges, and political viewpoints. Casgraux perceives this as a way to express herself freely and redefine her public image. Despite limited campaign funds, she remains dedicated to her cause, emphasizing that her campaign is more than just winning an election; it’s about inspiring others to pursue their aspirations without feeling stigmatized by their pasts.

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