Imminent Biden impeachment unites Republicans

On Wednesday, December 13rd, the House is set to vote to formally approve the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. All Republican factions are supporting the process despite concerns that it has yet to yield evidence of presidential misconduct. House Speaker Mike Johnson and his leadership team are under increasing pressure to demonstrate progress in the yearlong investigation focused on the business dealings of Biden’s family members. Although ethical questions have been raised, there is no concrete evidence suggesting corrupt actions or bribery by Biden in his current presidential role or previous position as vice president. Hunter Biden, on the other hand, has some serious legal battles ahead (see our previous stories about Hunter Biden here, here, and here).

“My prodigal son is also my scapegoat!” (pixabay)

Johnson acknowledged the frustration among some who want the investigation to progress more rapidly and deemed the upcoming vote as “the next necessary step.” The move underscores the ongoing partisan divide over the inquiry, as Republicans rally behind it while skeptics within the party question the lack of substantial evidence implicating the president.

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