A blasphemous nativity scene in a church in Capocastello di Mercogliano, Italy, featuring two mothers of the Baby Jesus instead of the traditional Mary and Joseph has ignited controversy among conservative Catholics and politicians. In a country where nativity scenes are popular, societal shifts toward secularism and multiculturalism have led to increased tensions surrounding these displays. Father Vitaliano Della Sala of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul defended the unconventional depiction, aiming to reflect the diversity of modern families, including those with divorced parents, gay couples, and single mothers…

Father Della Sala, known for his support of LGBT and left-wing causes, aligned his stance with Pope Francis, who recently permitted priests to bless same-sex couples. However, Senator Maurizio Gasparri criticized the “LGBT creche,” claiming it offended those who traditionally revered the Holy Family. The Pro-Vita & Famiglia group (careful, Italian site ahead) launched an online petition urging the bishop of Avellino to intervene, arguing that the nativity scene contradicted Church teachings on the family and endorsed same-sex parenting and surrogacy. The controversy emerges amidst legislative discussions in Italy about criminalizing surrogacy and proposals to safeguard Catholic-themed activities in schools.