A graceful exit right now would not only save him face but also political capital. Mike Pence and Tim Scott were prudent enough to see that.
Chris Christie faces mounting pressure to withdraw from the 2024 Republican presidential race, where he is challenging Donald Trump for the nomination. Despite positioning himself as a vocal critic of Trump, Christie struggles to gain traction in national polls, with the Iowa caucuses approaching in less than two months. While rivals like Mike Pence and Tim Scott have halted their campaigns, Christie persists, aiming to participate in the upcoming Republican debate in Alabama.
Supporters argue his continued candidacy provides a clear contrast to Trump, citing his performance in New Hampshire and strength in foreign policy. Critics, however, claim Christie’s presence hinders the party’s ability to rally around more viable alternatives to Trump. Christie risks becoming a spoiler, impeding others like Nikki Haley from challenging Trump directly. Christie trails not only Florida Governor Ron DeSantis but also Haley in polling averages.
The Christie campaign emphasizes financial constraints compared to rivals and hopes for an advantage amid reported turmoil in the DeSantis camp. Doubts linger about the sustainability of Christie’s campaign, with concerns about his standing in New Hampshire and the growing appeal of alternatives like Haley as more viable challengers to Trump. In any case, NeverTrumpers become more and more desperate as Iowa caucus approaches…