As you’ve previously read in Targetnews, on November 11th, Pope Francis removed Bishop Joseph E. Strickland from his position in Tyler, Texas. This time, it was Cardinal Raymond Burke’s turn to pay the price for the radicalization of the Holy See.
This week, Pope Francis took disciplinary action against Cardinal Raymond Burke, a prominent conservative critic, by revoking his privileges of a subsidized Vatican apartment and salary. The decision was made due to Burke’s perceived role in fostering “disunity” within the Church. The Pope conveyed this decision during a meeting with Vatican office heads, stating that Burke was utilizing his privileges against the Church’s interests.

Burke, a 75-year-old canon lawyer, had previously been dismissed from his role as the Vatican’s high court justice in 2014 by Pope Francis. He has been a vocal critic of the Pope’s positions on issues such as LGBTQ+ inclusion and the Church’s reform initiatives. Burke, along with other conservative cardinals, had submitted formal questions to the Pope in the past, challenging doctrinal matters. Additionally, Burke presided over a counter-synod criticizing Pope Francis’ vision for the Church.
Neither the Vatican nor Burke’s personal site have commented further on the ongoing situation.