It’s a deal! The prodigial son is tired of being… hunted

Biden is expected to confess his guilt for intentionally neglecting to pay federal income tax, particularly on his earnings from foreign sources. He will then participate in a program known as “pretrial diversion,” which means he will not face imprisonment for his firearm offense.

Biden’s questionable business activities came to public attention during the Obama administration when he secured a position on the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma right after being discharged from the Navy due to drug use. Concerns were raised about Hunter Biden’s involvement given that his father, Joe Biden, was responsible for Ukraine policy as the Vice President under President Barack Obama. State Department officials expressed dissatisfaction with the conflict of interest but were informed that the Vice President was grieving the loss of his other son, Beau Biden, who had passed away from brain cancer. Unfortunately, the matter remained unresolved.

In 2019, President Donald Trump discussed Hunter Biden’s role with newly-elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which led to Trump’s impeachment by House Democrats. The discovery and release of Hunter Biden’s purported laptop in 2020, containing emails and records documenting his business interests, validated Trump’s concerns. However, major social media platforms in Silicon Valley and the mainstream media suppressed and censored the story, while intelligence agencies falsely portrayed it as Russian propaganda. After the election, Hunter Biden acknowledged being under investigation for tax violations, but the Bidens continued to deny allegations of corruption. Critics also highlighted Hunter Biden’s likely falsification of a federal gun purchase form by concealing his drug addiction. This issue arose periodically as President Biden pledged to take executive action on gun control. The expected plea agreement will probably require Hunter Biden to admit to misdemeanor charges, ensuring he avoids imprisonment and a trial. President Biden retains the authority to pardon his son at any time, negating any criminal consequences. News of the plea deal emerged less than two weeks after the Department of Justice indicted former President Donald Trump on severe felony charges related to his handling of presidential documents, which carry lengthy prison sentences.

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