Tucker Carlson for Trump’s Vice President?

It’s a possibility and Carlson himself has not ruled it out.

On Thursday, December 7th, former Fox News host and current X/Twitter personality Tucker Carlson, previously mentioned as a potential vice presidential candidate by conservatives and President Trump’s team, responded to these considerations during a keynote speech at the American Principles Project Foundation’s Christmas gala. Speaking about his Christian faith and optimism in a seemingly deteriorating America, Tucker addressed the VP reports when an audience member inquired.

While not entirely dismissing the idea of being Trump’s vice president, Tucker emphasized the need for divine intervention, stating, “God would have to yell at me very loud.” He also expressed reservations about the transition from being a well-paid private citizen to entering the political arena, likening the shift from a well-paid commentator to a politician as challenging and difficult to envision.

In summary, Tucker Carlson, in response to speculations about a potential vice presidential role, acknowledged the possibility but highlighted the significant hurdles and personal reservations he would face, including a divine calling and the challenging shift from media to politics.

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