Happy Birthday Mr.President

President Biden turned 81 on Monday, sparking concerns that led to image strategy changes and physical adjustments.

People close to President Biden have suggested altering his public appearance strategies due to concerns about his age. Politico reported discussions to have Biden walk shorter distances on camera and opt for more comfortable shoes, aiming to portray a less rigid gait and minimize the risk of falls. This move comes as some Democrats express frustration over the handling of Biden’s age issue within the campaign.

Democratic strategists and donors have urged the campaign to address concerns regarding Biden’s age, with some recommending a more assertive approach. There are calls for leveraging Biden’s age as a sign of wisdom, with suggestions for incorporating humor about ‘Grandpa Joe’. However, donors like Alan Kessler highlight a perceived double standard in discussions about age, as Biden, aged 81, faces scrutiny while 77-year-old Donald Trump did not.

Concerns about Biden’s age extend beyond campaign aides to include close allies and even members of his family. While many believe Biden is mentally fit for the job, there are acknowledgments of moments where he appears frail, as reported by Politico, reflecting ongoing internal discussions.

Former Obama adviser David Axelrod voiced concerns about the impact of Biden’s age on public perception. Axelrod emphasized the unchangeable nature of age-related concerns reflected in polling, warning that such perceptions might affect public confidence, especially when Biden is in the spotlight.

Reports also highlight efforts within Biden’s team to address physical concerns. Axios detailed measures to prevent public mishaps, such as limiting stair climbs and having Biden wear more supportive footwear due to his struggle with significant spinal arthritis.

Overall, these reports illuminate the multifaceted efforts and concerns surrounding President Biden’s age and its portrayal in the public eye, prompting strategic adjustments within his team and raising questions about their effectiveness.

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