Self-destructive Europe: Germany’s divided soul and society over the Israeli – Palestinian war (video)

In a hastily, almost forcibly formed multicultural society such as today’s Germany, there are no more “moral constants” such as “Never again”. Anything goes, including antisemitism and MASS DEPORTATIONS.

Until now, post-World-War-II Germany and deportations was an unthinkable combination (Source: ANI News)

Since the new Israeli – Palestinian war erupted on October 7th, in Berlin’s Neukölln and Kreuzberg neighborhoods there have been pro-Palestinian demonstrations and calls to “turn the area into Gaza.” These demonstrations, organized mainly by muslims and supported by elements of the far-left and the far-right, have caused tension. The official narrative is emphasizing Germany’s historical responsibility to stand with Israel due to the Holocaust. Nevertheless, this muslim-far-left-far-right coalition, consisted mainly of immigrants or children of immigrants, whose families never experienced the denazification and democratization process post-World-War-II Western Germany went through, support Palestine and express this support in a distinctly antisemitic way.

That is a VERY MILD photo of pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Germany

The situation has led to clashes, bans on pro-Palestinian demonstrations, and a rise in violent incidents. There is a divide in Germany, with some questioning whether the bans infringe on free speech, while others believe they are necessary to prevent hate speech and violence. Amid this, Germany’s Jewish community has faced increased fear and antisemitic incidents, which is too awkward to even type…

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