Progressive Activist Takes on President Biden Over Abortion!

Progressive activist Terrisa Bukovinac has emerged as a disruptive force challenging the mainstream media’s narrative on abortion. She has recently launched a bid to unseat President Biden due to his stance on the contentious issue, declaring that “President Biden is a collaborator in a genocide.” She accuses Biden of being the top promoter of late-term abortion in the nation and globally, questioning his fitness to lead.

Bukovinac, founder of Pro-Life San Francisco and Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU), and former president of Democrats for Life of America, has a long history of progressive political views. She and other committed activists have protested at abortion clinics, staged demonstrations in front of the Supreme Court, and even faced arrests. Despite criticism, she believes that her campaign is an authentic representation of her beliefs and a call to action in dark times, stating, “We don’t need just another politician. We need an activist.”


When asked if she would support Biden as the Democratic Party nominee, Bukovinac firmly rejected the idea, vowing not to aid a candidate she views as promoting “genocide.” However, she also criticized former President Trump for his stance on abortion, highlighting the need for a genuine pro-life candidate.

Bukovinac’s campaign manager, Catherine Glenn Foster, stressed the importance of reinserting a pro-life agenda into the Democratic platform, citing polling data showing that a significant portion of Democratic voters identify as pro-life. While surveys indicate a majority of Democrats support abortion rights, Foster believes Bukovinac represents the voice of pro-life Democrats who have long been overlooked by party leadership.

Through her campaign, Bukovinac aims to shed light on what she sees as the abortion extremism within the Democratic Party and the human rights issues associated with it. She emphasizes the need to expose these concerns to the American people, using her campaign resources to run uncensored ads in states where she is on the ballot.

As of now, the Biden campaign has not responded to her bid.

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